Welcome to SoWooZoo Bingo!

Based off the idea of microcosm, our bingo challenges participants to create a seamless story via bingo squares. Each card will have it's own self-contained universe -- what that universe is, is all up to you!


July 15, 2021

December 1, 2021

February 1, 2022

Card Request Opens

Card Request Closes

Promoting ends*

* = Archive will remain open indefinitely


1.  Plagiarizing is not allowed.  If you're caught doing so, you'll be banned from the bingo.

2.  We are an 18+ ONLY bingo, this means no minors, period.  Adults are not allowed to write or distribute to minors either.  You MUST have your age in your bio / carrd / somewhere accessible for the mods.

3.  Tag everything appropriately.  Our few restrictions are as follows: no pedophilia, underage sex, cis-male pregnancy, cis-swap/cisswapping (writing a cis-male as a cis-female)

4.  All content is allowed!  Twitfics, imagines/AUs, vid edits, artwork, moodboards, etc etc.  We have NO MINIMUM WORD COUNT.

5.  All ships are accepted: OTPs, OT3, Moresomes, OT7.    ONLY BTS ships allowed.

6.  You'll be allowed TWO cards upon first sign up.  Please read more info HERE.

7.  One work per square.  Multi-chaptered stories with each square as a chapter is most definitely allowed however.

8.  Absolutely no hate.  If you are found sending hate or posting hate about another content creator, you'll be blocked and banned from the bingo, no questions asked.  If you send hate to us, the mods, they will be printed out and laughed at.  You've been warned.

NSFW Prompt Table

This is to give an idea of what to expect from each category.

HighHigh HeelsParanoiaOffensive


How do I sign up?

There will be a Google form to fill out within the info thread!  Please look forward to it!

How do we make a Bingo?

We're allowing the following patterns:  HERE

What do I get if I win?

There's not really a prize. It's the satisfaction of creating something for yourself and others to enjoy!  Mostly, bragging rights!

Can I share my card with my followers / friends?

Absolutely, there's no secret to keep!

Can we cross post with another bingo/event?

YES!  Absolutely you can, so long as the other bingo/event allows it!

Can we get more than one card?

You'll be allowed TWO cards upon sign up, if chosen.  Each one has to have a separate ship though!

Can I get a new card after I complete one?

Yep! If you complete ONE card, you'll be allowed a new card, so long as it isn't the same ship as the card you've yet to complete.  Beyond that first card, you must complete BOTH cards after that to ask for any more.

If you're not happy with any card you receive for any reason, please let us know and we will happily make you a new one, no questions asked!

Can we use a WIP fic for the bingo?

Given how the bingo's whole idea goes, it would be difficult to allow WIP fics, UNLESS you can make a whole universe from your already created fic.  It's not forbidden, but do remember the point of the bingo!

Can I use more than one square in a work?

No.  One work = one square, unless you're setting it up as a chaptered fic with intentions for every chapter to cover a square!

What if I can't / don't want to join AO3?

That's totally fine.  You're not obligated to be on AO3 to join!  Just be sure to @ us on twitter so we can share your work with everyone!

What are the prompts going to be?

We won't be showing off any prompts except for the "NSFW" prompts, which can still be openly interpreted however you wish them to be.  It's simply to help with any triggers someone might have!

Bingo Win Patterns

Card Preview

Normal Free Space Preview

Remix Free Space Preview

How Cards Requests Will Work

This is covered in our FAQ but we'll expand on that here.

When you first sign up, you'll be allowed up to two cards.  If you choose to get two  —  they must be different ships.

If you black out one of your cards, you'll be allowed one new card (it must be a new ship).

To get anymore cards after that though, you must black out both cards you now have, period.

Again, as said, all of your cards must be different ships.  We want to bring more variety to BTS fanworks!

If there are any questions on this, please contact us through DMs or our CC!

So, what's a Remix?

Please note before reading:  a remix space is completely optional.

A free space remix will be a re-imagining of one of your other works.  It's to challenge our participants a bit more!

Examples include:

a different ending  —  a happy ending instead of bittersweet

a different character's POV  —  instead of focusing on the original Person A, it focuses on Person B

a different tone  —  perhaps the previous was happy and fluffy, this time around it can be tragic and full of angst instead

a genre switch  —  from romance to horror, comedy to action, etc

a what if scenario / butterfly effect  —  a small change results in a different progression of events

More info and examples via Fanlore